About Us

We are Mr. and Mrs. BBB, a couple in our late twenties, with twin girls born in early 2019, a husky who just passed the ripe old age of 7, and anywhere from one to two dozen chickens depending on the time of year. Just before we got married, Mr. BBB bought a house on 17 acres of hilly, wooded land affectionately called “Bonnie Braes” by the former owners. Since that time, we have been working on numerous projects on that land.

Because we have always preferred to do things for ourselves, from renovating our house to building up a homestead, we have tried a number of different things outside of our nine-to-five. Along the way, we’ve learned a good deal about a variety of topics, from electrical wiring to hatching chickens to raising twins (though we are still definitely novices at the latter). We created this blog to share our experiences with you–the successes, the failures, and the in betweens. Hopefully, we can all learn a little something along the way!